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Contributions and Acknowledgement Letters, Dec 6, 1961 - Dec 31, 1969
- ID:
- 004-01-29
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Record Group
- Development
- 1.2
Folder Title
- Contributions and Acknowledgement Letters
- Dec 6, 1961 - Dec 31, 1969
LS-Rockefeller, Mrs. David (Peggy); LS-Keiser, David M.; LS-Untermeyer, Sophie; LS-Ogilvy, David; LS- Edwin P. Kaufman; LS-Morris D. Crawford; LS-Arthur V. Hugo; LS-Leonard Dalsemer; LS-Edgar B. Young; Sampson R. Field; LS-Harold Mindermann;LS- Frank J Dillon; LS- Mathew Pluhar; LS- Bennett Cerf; LS- Frank Dillion; LS- Helen Coates; LS- Norman Lloyd; LS- Ben Barkin; LS- K.N. Dayton; LS- Mary Courey; LS-Raymond H. Wilkens; LS- Aaron Kaufman; LS- G.S. Eyssell; LS- Dana S. Creel; LS- Gerald Goldsmith; LS- Robert C. Bates; LS- Rosalie Leventritt Berner; ALS- Anne Stern; LS- Benjamin Schore; LS- Nathaniel Field; LS- Cornelius Griffin; LS- Thomas Passios; LS- Gerald S. Fox; ALS- George Brandstein; LS- Arthur M.; LS- Alfred C. Stepan; LS- C. Raymond Hulsart; ALS- Peter C. Golffing; LS-Sophie G. Untermeyer Correspondence including appreciation letters to contributors from Carlos Moseley
Project Funder
- Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Contributions and Acknowledgement Letters, 6 Dec 1961 - 31 Dec 1969, Folder 004-01-29, Development Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.