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    Executive > Moseley, Carlos

Pension Fund Concert March 25, 1967, Verdi Requiem, Jan 3, 1967 - Aug 1, 1967

ALS-Bruno Zirato, ALS-Amyas Ames. LS-Bruno Zirato,LS-Dorle Soria; Verdi Requiem conducted by Leonard Bernstein in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Arturo Toscanini; Correspondence with Bruno Zirato regarding angry letter of Walter Toscanini regarding his perceived cool attitude of the Philharmonic with regard to the Toscanini centennial, and his request for donation of part of benefit concert receipts to the Toscanini Archives and restoration of the Toscanini home in Parma, Italy; 125th Anniversary Booklet of Vienna Philharmonic
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Pension Fund Concert March 25, 1967, Verdi Requiem, 3 Jan 1967 - 1 Aug 1967, Folder 016-14-26, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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