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Rodzinski Correspondence 1936-42, Oct 7, 1936 - Nov 11, 1942

Confidential correspondence between Artur Rodzinski (AR) and Assistant Manager Bruno Zirato (BZ); ALS-Bruno Zirato (BZ), undated discussion of misunderstandings on a variety of issues with AR; 1942 handwritten affectionate letter from BZ saying "Well. We did it!" referring to "my work on your behalf," but not specifying what "it" is - presumably the directorship of the Philharmonic-Symphony; BZ advises AR not to be stubborn regarding performing special works, but also says "You are the boss!"; BZ letter on illness of Vladimir Horowitz (1936); BZ advice to AR on program planning (Oct 1936); comments by AR and BZ on new Music Director John Barbirolli (Nov 1936); AR plan to do scenes from Strauss' "Elektra," not the whole opera, to save money on casting (Dec 1936); BZ letter of Jan 1939 saying "Maestro is still angry," presumably Toscanini, but not clear about what; AR concert engagements in 1939; postponement of performances of Berlioz' "Damnation of Faust" for monetary reasons from 1942 to a later season; AR concerts in Mexico; problem of concert dates with Artur Rubinstein as soloist, 1942; BZ requesting changes in AR 1942 programs as Guest Conductor, because of too much repetition; AR proposal to perform Shostakovich symphonies in 1942, including the new Seventh (Oct 1942); reports on poor box office for Toscanini concerts to open 1942-43 season, including Berlioz' rarely heard "Romeo and Juliet"; ALS-Artur Rodzinski, program sketch; timing of Sunday broadcast programs, 1942; concert at Camp Joyce Kilmer on 19 Nov 1942
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Rodzinski Correspondence 1936-42, 7 Oct 1936 - 11 Nov 1942, Folder 1078-01-04, Music Director/Conductors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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