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1955 European Tour Scrapbook, Sep 5, 1955 - Oct 5, 1955
- ID:
- 555-068-01
Record Group
- Communications/Public Relations
- Press Clippings
Folder Title
- 1955 European Tour Scrapbook
- Sep 5, 1955 - Oct 5, 1955
- Beethoven: Symphony No. 7
- Berlin Festival
- Brahm Program at Edinburgh Festival
- Concert Reviews at Edinburgh Festival Show All
- Beethoven: Symphony No. 7
- Berlin Festival
- Brahm Program at Edinburgh Festival
- Concert Reviews at Edinburgh Festival
- Concerts in Athens, Greece, birthplace of Dimitri Mitropoulos
- Dimitri Mitropoulos leads tour of Europe by the Phiharmonic
- Edinburgh Festival
- Edinburgh Festival Concerts by groups and artists other than the Philharmonic
- Enthusiastic reception in Athens to the Philharmonic and to Greek conductor Dimitri Mitropoulos
- Extended ovations for Dimitri Mitropoulos ans the Phlharmonic in Athens
- Fall 1955 European Tour
- Festival of Athens
- Gould: Show Piece for Orchestra
- Guido Cantelli concerts with the Philharmonic on the 1955 European tour
- Interviews
- Press Clippings, 1955-56
- Ravel: Daphnis and Chloe Suite No. 2
- Shostakovich: Symphony No. 10 in E minor, Op. 93
- Triumphant return of Dimitri Mitropoulos to Greece
- Vaughan Wiliams: Symphony No 4 Show Top 4
- The New York Philharmonic's Fall 1955 European Tour
- Various clippings in different languages, giving feedback on European Tour
- Edinburgh Festival concerts of the New York Philharmonic conducted by Dimitri Mitropoulos, George Szell and Guido Cantelli
- Generaly excellent reviews of the New York Philharmonic at the Edinburgh Festival
- Dame Myra Hess plays Beethoven Concerto No 3 in C-Minor at Philharmonic Opening Concert at the Edinburgh Festival
- Rave reviews for Vaughan Wiliams Symhony No. 4 at Philharnonic opening night concert of Edinburgh Festival
- Rave reviews for the Brahms First Syphony conducted by Guido Cantelli at the Edinburgh Festival
- Ravel's Suite No 2 from Daphnis and Chloe sweepsaway the audience at the Edinburgh Festival
- Criticism of Cantelli's performance of the PIctures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky, orchestrated by Ravel
- Raves for pianist Clifford Curzon's performance at Edinburgh of the Brahms D-Minor concerto with George Szell conducting
- Vienna applauds Mitropoulos performance of Shotakovich's new Symphony No 10
- Comparison of perforances in Vienna of the New York Philharmonic and the Philadelphia Orchestra
- Rave reviews for the Philharmonic concerts in Vienna
- First performnce of the Philharmonic in Brussels since the European tour under Toscanini in 1930
- Triumphal success for the first Philharmonic performnance since 1930 under Toscanini, festuring the Shostakovich 10th and Robert Casadesus playing the Beethoven "Emperor" Concerto and Guido Cantelli's performance of Mousorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition in the Ravel orchestration the following evenng
- Rave reviews for the Shostakovich 10th as performed n Paris by Mitropoulos and the Philharmonic
- First performances in Paris in 20 years of cohductor Dimitri Mitropoulos
- Berlin Festival opens with concerts by the Phlharmonic
- Ovation for the Philharmonic and Mitropoulos in Berlin
- Mitropoulos steps in for an ailing Egon Petri for the Piano Concerto No. 3 by Prokofiev in Berlin
- "Extreme Perfection" and 'Uncanny perfection" in performances by the Philharmonic in Berlin
- Dimitri Mitropoulos labeled a "fascinating personality", "ranked among the greatest of his profession"
- Rave reviews for concerts in Berlin
- "I have never seen a conert audience display such enthusism" in Zürich, "unforgettable concert experience"
- Guido Cantelli highly praised for concert in Geneva
- Concerts in Basel, Geneva, Bern and Zürich in Switzerland draw rave reviews
- Concerts in Italy in Milan, Perugia, Rome and Naples very well received
- Concerts at La Scala in Milan conducted by Mitropoulos and Cantelli an 'enormous success"
- "A storm of applause and voices of ecstatic joy greeted the appearance of the great conductor Dimitri Mitropoulos" in Athens
- Mitropoulos received by the King and Queen of Greece
- Commermorative medals presented in Athens to members of the Philharmonic orchestra
- Extra concert presented in Athens in response to the enthusiastic reception to the orchestra by the public as well as the royal family
- The audiences at the concerts in Athens "apotheosized Mitropoulos"; the "full house deified him with its ovation; "for such a musical event no criticism can be offered'; "Olympian serenity and Dionysiac intensity" "one of the world's three best orchestras"
- Extended account of concerts in Athen
- Final concerts of the 1955 European tour in London
- Dame Myra Hess plays the Brahms D-Minor Piano Concerto with the Philharmonic and Mitropoulos in London, to enthusiastic acclaim
- Nathan Mistein plaus the Dvorak Violin Concerto at the final concert of the European tour in London
- Peter Heyworth analyses the Symphonies of To-day including the Shostakovich 10th
- Strong reception to the Shostakovich 10th at the last concert of the European tour in London
- Air-Borne Philharmonic, article by Howard Taubman about the 1955 Philharmonic tour, in Town and Country Magazine
- Articles on neglect of U.S. music in programs of 1955 European Tour by the Philharmonic
- New York Philharmonic as an ambassador of good will in Europe.
Project Funder
- Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
1955 European Tour Scrapbook, 5 Sep 1955 - 5 Oct 1955, Folder 555-068-01, Communications/Public Relations Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.