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Bequests, Jan 15, 1962 - Sep 15, 1969

LS- Edwin Kaufman; LS- M.E. Steiner; LS-William Fields; LS- Frances Crossland; LS- Julius J. Teller, LS- Henry Hottinger; LS-Henry F. Richardson; LS- Maurice H. Dolman; LS- Walter Mendelson; LS- Helen L. Buttenwieser; LS- Maynard E. Steiner; LS- Frances Crossland; LS- Harold D. Safir; LS-Gerald Beal; Correspondence regarding bequests from Estate of Florence B. Shaw, Estate of Mathilde E. Weber, Estate of Sol Harris, Estate of Jane King; Estate of Adele L. Lehman, Estate of Janet Diantha Coleman, Constans-Culver Foundation, Elizabeth M. Christophersen; Orchestra Personnel list with handwritten notes; Correspondence with Henry Gottinger regarding donating his collection of rare violins;
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Bequests, 15 Jan 1962 - 15 Sep 1969, Folder 004-01-27, Development Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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