Found In:
Special Collections
Huneker, James Gibbons. The Philharmonic Society of New York and its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary - A Retrospect, Jun 26, 1916 - Jun 26, 1916
- ID:
- 392-07-10
Record Group
- Special Collections
Folder Title
- Huneker, James Gibbons. The Philharmonic Society of New York and its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary - A Retrospect
- Jun 26, 1916 - Jun 26, 1916
- 75th Anniversary of the Philharmonic Society of New York
- Changes in operations of the Society from 1892 to 1917
- Conductors, 1892-1917
- Directors, 1892 and 1917 Show All
- 75th Anniversary of the Philharmonic Society of New York
- Changes in operations of the Society from 1892 to 1917
- Conductors, 1892-1917
- Directors, 1892 and 1917
- History of the New York Philharmonic
- Novelties and Premieres, 1892-1917
- Officers. 1892 and 1917
- Personnel of the Philharmonic, 1892 and 1917
- Pulitzer Bequest Show Top 4
ALS: James Huneker to Felix Leifels, Manager of the New York Philharmonic; Draft of full retrospective article by James Huneker in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Philharmonic Society of New York; History of the New York Philharmonic; Reorganization of the Philharmonic under Mrs. George R. (Lucy) Sheldon; Praise for Josef Stransky, present Music Director of the Philharmonic; Personnel of the Philharmonic, Officers and Directors, in 1892 and 1917; List of musical novelties and premieres, 1892-1917, Guest conductors 1903-1906 when there was no Music Director; Changes in operation and organization of the Society, 1892-1917
Project Funder
- Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Huneker, James Gibbons. The Philharmonic Society of New York and its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary - A Retrospect, 26 Jun 1916 - 26 Jun 1916, Folder 392-07-10, Special Collections Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.