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    Operations/Orchestra Services

Washington, DC Concerts Financial Correspondence 1931-1933, Mar 5, 1930 - Jun 9, 1933

Washington DC finances, ticket sales, fees, guarantors, 1931-1933; Correspondence regarding NYP concerts in Baltimore and Washington including problems in obtaining funds from guarantors; ALS-Bruno Zirato, re Wagner concert in Washington; Illness of Sir Thomas Beecham, guest conductor, in Washington, 8 March 1932;LS-Virginia M. Bacon re payments from guarantors of Philharmonic-Symphony concerts in Washington, DC. ; correspondence with managers of T. Arthur Smith Concert Bureau regarding Philharmonic concerts in Baltimore and Washington
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Washington, DC Concerts Financial Correspondence 1931-1933, 5 Mar 1930 - 9 Jun 1933, Folder 025-03-28, Operations/Orchestra Services Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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