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1943-44 Scrapbook (Part 5 of 6), Mar 3, 1944 - Apr 10, 1944
- ID:
- 555-045-02
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Record Group
- Communications/Public Relations
- Press Clippings
Folder Title
- 1943-44 Scrapbook (Part 5 of 6)
- Mar 3, 1944 - Apr 10, 1944
- Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 (Ode to Joy)
- Bernstein debut
- Bernstein: Symphony No. 1 (Jeremiah)
- Children's Concerts Show All
- Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 (Ode to Joy)
- Bernstein debut
- Bernstein: Symphony No. 1 (Jeremiah)
- Children's Concerts
- Columbia Records Inc.
- Milhaud: Cortege Funebre
- Orchestra Member Profiles
- Press clippings, 1943-44
- Radio broadcasts
- Rubinstein: Piano Concerto No. 3
- Shostakovich: Symphony No. 8 in C minor, Op. 65
- WWII: World War II
- Walter, 50th Anniversary
- Young People's Concerts Show Top 4
- Barber, Samuel
- Bernstein, Leonard
- Bruckner, Anton
- Corigliano, John, Sr.
- Field, Marshall
- Ganz, Rudolph
- Goodman, Saul
- Greinert, Emil
- Hofmann, Josef
- Horowitz, Vladimir
- Huberman, Bronislaw
- Hyams, Harry
- Kapell, William
- Kaston, Henryk
- Koussevitzky, Serge
- Labate, Bruno
- Malcuzynski, Witold
- Milstein, Nathan
- Rodzinski, Artur
- Rodzinski, Halina (Mrs. Artur)
- Rosen, Myor
- Serkin, Rudolf
- Sinatra, Frank
- Szell, George
- Taubman, Howard
- Toscanini, Arturo
- Tourel, Jennie
- Triller, Charles
- Walter, Bruno Show Top 4
- Josef Hofmann is praised for his performance of Rubinstein's Piano Concerto in G-major, No. 3
- Artur Rodzinski reappointed music director for the 1944-45 season
- Guest conductors for the 1944-45 season to include Monteux, Stravinsky, Szell, and Bernstein
- Foreign-born U.S. leaders including Artur Rodzinski condemn prejudices in a Declaration on American Unity
- New York Philharmonic experiences a surge in attendance, particularly at weekend concerts
- Henryk Kaston invents a new type of violin bow; Kaston also carves a three-inch model violin from ivory, the strings of which are four strands of hair from the head of Artur Rodzinski
- Rodzinski calls boogie-woogie, "one of the greatest causes of delinquency among American youth today," calls fans of Sinatra, "pitiful cases"
- Witold Malcuzynski is piano soloist in Chopin's Concerto No. 2 in F minor
- Italian exiles in the United States suggest Arturo Toscanini as a choice for president of the hoped-for Italian Republic
- Sinatra responds to Rodzinski's claims about swing music
- Profile of Bernstein after his appearance as a last minute substitute for Bruno Walter
- Rodzinski to travel to South America after the close of the Philharmonic season to appear as a good-will emissary
- Eugene Ormandy named the first official "lend-lease musical artist" by the Office of War Information and will travel to Australia to conduct
- Details of the Rodzinskis' home life; Artur Rodzinski proposed less than 24 hours after meeting his present wife
- Harry Hyams, former first-desk violist with the Philharmonic, is soloist with the Pensacola civic orchestra
- Bruno Walter leads the Philharmonic in the local premiere of Samuel Barber's revised Symphony in One Movement
- Bronislaw Huberman is guest artist at a concert for high school students, given by members of the Philharmonic
- Bruno Walter celebrates his 50th year as a conductor, makes plans for a sabbatical year
- Howard Taubman tells story of how Emil Greinert, Philharmonic librarian, dealt with Arturo Toscanini's habit of throwing his score to the floor when frustrated. Greinert would secure a large supply of fragile batons for Toscanini, on which he could vent his frustrations without damaging the librarian's scores
- Walter conducts Beethoven's Ninth Symphony to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his debut as a conductor
- TIME profile of Anton Bruckner after the orchestra performs his Te Deum at Walter's 50th anniversary concert
- Messages of congratulations for Bruno Walter from eminent figures in the global music community
- Marshall Field expresses satisfaction in the work of Artur Rodzinski to once again make the Philharmonic into a great orchestra
- Rodzinski conducts the Philarmonic in the world premiere of Darius Milhaud's Cortège Funèbre, which Milhaud dedicated to the Allied soldiers who had died in the war
- William Kapell gives a highly praised performance as soloist with the Philharmonic on Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto, in a performance commemorating the one year anniversary of the composer's death
- John Corigliano is one of the soloists for the final concert of the Brooklyn Chamber Music Society at the Academy of Music
- Photograph of Bernstein and Koussevitzky
- New York debut of Leonard Bernstein's " Jeremiah" symphony, featuring Jennie Tourel as soloist; Bernstein to conduct
- For the Young People's Concerts, Rudoplh Ganz composes a series of works to illustrate the functions of various instruments in the orchestra
- Myor Rosen is the soloist at the final YPC of the season
- Columbia Records releases recording of Igor Stravinsky's Sacre du Printempts by the New York Philharmonic with Igor Stravinsky conducting
- Shostakovich celebrates the premiere of his Eighth Symphony
Project Funder
- Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
1943-44 Scrapbook (Part 5 of 6), 3 Mar 1944 - 10 Apr 1944, Folder 555-045-02, Communications/Public Relations Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.