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    Board of Directors > Minutes

Board of Directors Minutes, January 1944, Sep 16, 1943 - Jan 24, 1944

Resolution in memory of Walter Winston Price; appearance by the Orchestra at the opening ceremony of City Center on November 11, 1943; report on single ticket sales; authorization to Manager to sign Carnegie Hall lease; list of soloists being considered for 1944-45 season, with an appropriation of \$21,000; appropriation approved for two choral works under Rodzinski; approval of engagement of Monteux, Szell, Stravinsky and Bernstein as guest conductors; presentation of a cow to Rodzinski for his birthday; request of Bruno Walter for one year leave without conducting responsibilities; request that subscribers make unused tickets available to servicemen; letter from Floyd G. Blair regarding details of a new proposed pension plan, approved in principle by the Board; renovation of Orchestra Clubroom at Carnegie Hall, paid by William Rosenwald
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Board of Directors Minutes, January 1944, 16 Sep 1943 - 24 Jan 1944, Folder 781-02-26, Board of Directors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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