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    Artistic/Music Administration > Milburn, Frank

Bernstein's Farewell Concert 17 May 1969, Jan 6, 1969 - May 21, 1969

Planning for Bernstein Farewell Concerts as Music Director; List of Board of Duirectors and their replies to invitation to attend Bernstein's Farewell Concerrt as Music Director; ALS-Archibald MacLeish, response to invitation to speak at Bernstein's Farewell Concert; Drafts and final version of remarks by Archibald MacLeish at Bernstein's Farewell Concert as Music Director; Rehearsals and staging of Mahler's Symphony No. 3; Draft and final version of speech by Amyas Ames naming Leonard Bernstein as Laureate Conductor of the Philharmonic; List of newscasters attending the Bernstein rehearsal of Mahler's Third on 15 May 1969; Arrangements for televising Bernstein's Farewll Concert on National Educational Television Network; Names and addresses of guests invited to party for Leonard Bernstein on 17 May 1969
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Bernstein's Farewell Concert 17 May 1969, 6 Jan 1969 - 21 May 1969, Folder 160-02-04, Artistic/Music Administration Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.