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Funds: Three-Year Maintenance Fund, May 28, 1935 - Jul 7, 1943

ALS- Harry Harkness Flagler; LS- Marshall Field; LS- Felix Warburg; LS- Charles Triller; ALS- Harriet Aldrich; LS- Beatrice Sheffield; LS: Thos J. Watson; LS- Frederick Sheffield; LS- Walter W. Naumburg; ALS- Jessica McInnerney; LS- Robert S. Gordon; LS- Laura Barney; LS- Zirato, Bruno; ALS- Harriet Laidlaw; LS- Calvin Bullock; LS- William S. Paley; ALS- Margaret Williams; LS- Mrs. Hugh Bullock; LS- A.R. Emanuel; ALS- John Magnin; LS- Walter H. Farrier; LS- Lawrence Jennings; LS-Henry Hart; LS- Edward T. Sanders; LS- Helen C Frick; LS- Paul D. Cravath; LS- Ralph F. Colin; Donations in 1936 for 3 year maintenance fund; Includes Contributors List; Correspondence regarding Felix Warburg's fiscal pledge upon his death; Correspondence with Mrs. Astor including lists of contributors to campaign funds; Correspondence regarding pledges to Maintenance Fund
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Funds: Three-Year Maintenance Fund, 28 May 1935 - 7 Jul 1943, Folder 004-01-17, Development Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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