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    Orchestra Personnel

Orchestra Musicians: Retirement and Absences, Sep 7, 1961 - Aug 30, 1973

LS: John Coigliano; LS: Michael De Stefano; LS and ALS: Joseph Bernstein; Correspondence and records detailing legal case between violinist Michael De Stefano and NY Philharmonic regarding mandatory retirement at the age of 65, dispute about his true age and arbitration awarded him for continuted tenure with NY Philharmonic; Correspondence regarding Coigliano's retirement; Correspondence concerning Mordecai Dayan's ill health and subsequent absence; Further corresondence regarding De Stefano's retirement; Correspondence about violinist Joseph Bernstein including details concerning rehearsal conduct, instrument loan agreement, and disability payments
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Orchestra Musicians: Retirement and Absences, 7 Sep 1961 - 30 Aug 1973, Folder 011-04-08, Orchestra Personnel Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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