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    Board of Directors > Music Policy Committee

Music Policy Committee Minutes, Nov 9, 1955 - May 2, 1962

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  • Board of Directors
  • Music Policy Committee
  • 1.5
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  • Music Policy Committee Minutes
  • Nov 9, 1955 - May 2, 1962
Formation of Music Policy Committee of the Board of the New York Philharmonic; Functions of Music Policy Committee; review of programs submitted by the Music Director and Guest Conductors and suggestions for program revisions, preferences regarding engagement of guest soloists and those not to be engaged, general music policy; Statement of General Practices of Musical Administration; Complaints to Dimitri Mitropoulos, Music Director, from committee about first-desk men not playing entire concert; LS-Mitropoulous, Dimitri, replying to committee regarding rectification of problems regarding role of first desk musicians in the Philharmonic; LS-Bruno Walter,confidential comments regarding his opinion of Bernstein, Cantelli, Karajan and other cfonductors; Resolution that the Music Director should not make commitments to conductors, soloists or composers without consulting the Music Policy Committee; 1956 New York Times article "The Philharmonic - What's Wrong With It and Why" by Taubman, Howard; Offer of services by Artur Rodzinski, former Music Director; Reading rehearsals of contemporary works; Problems caused by sudden death of Guido Cantelli; Appointment of Leonard Bernstein, as Music Director beginning 1958-59; Programs for 1959 European tour; Leonard Bernstein Season Plans for 1958-59, 1959-60, 1960-61, 1961-62 and 1962-63; Proposal by Robert Saudek to televise Thurday evening previews, with first option to CBS Television; Ford Foundation grants to various artists to commission works from American composers; Mahler Festival, 1959-60; Planning for opening of Lincoln Center; Commissions for new works in connection with Lincoln Center opening; Cultural exchanges with Soviet Bloc; Contract negotiations with AGMA regarding employment of choruses and vocal soloists; Gift marking 25th anniversary of Philharmonic debut of Rudolf Serkin; Seven year extension of contract of Leonard Bernstein; Suggestion of a "Principal Condiuctor" to insure orchestra stability during extended absences of the Music Director; Death of Dimitri Mitropoulos, and disposition of funds contributed in his memory; Program Proposals for Pension Fund Concerts; Aaron Copland 60th birthday commemoration; Scheduling of choral works; Discussion of cancellation of contract with Glenn Gould; Proposed exchange with Philadelphia Orchestra for Pension Fund concerts; Exstension of contract with Leonard Bernstein through 1967-68 season; Conducting fellowships
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Music Policy Committee Minutes, 9 Nov 1955 - 2 May 1962, Folder 548-01-01, Board of Directors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.