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    Orchestra Personnel

Manager's Reports, Oct 10, 1954 - May 22, 1955

Weekly Personnel Manager's Reports, Season 1954-55; Weekly listing of men who missed rehearsals and/or concerts due to illness, bereavement, etc.; List of extra musicians; problems with behavior of individual orchestra members; musicians missing rehearsals and concerts due to illness; letters from doctors treating ill musicians; list of orchestra personnel for the season; overtime rehearsals; out-of-town concerts; large number of extra musicians required for Wagner "Die Walkuere" Act I (Mitropoulos), Strauss "Salome's Dance" (Mitropoulos), Berlioz "Symphonie Fantastique" (Walter), Ravel "Daphnis et Chloe" (Szell), Janacek "Sinfonietta" (Szell), Bruckner 7th (Walter), Moussorsky "Pictures at an Exhibition" (Cantelli) Verdi "Requiem" (Cantelli), Respighi "Feste Romane" (Hendl), Prokofiev "Scythian Suite" (Mitropoulos), Respighi "Pines of Rome" (Cantelli), Mahler 6th (Mitropoulos); Young People's Concerts; Spring Tour
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Manager's Reports, 10 Oct 1954 - 22 May 1955, Folder 562-03-09, Orchestra Personnel Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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