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Volume IX: Human Rights Commission Hearings, Testimony of Mensch, Gomberg, Nadien and Rosenberger., Oct 18, 1969 - Oct 18, 1969

Testimony of Homer Mensch, bass player with the New York Philharmonic, regarding his opinion of other bass players compared to Arthur Davis; Testimony of Harold Gomberg, principal oboe with the New York Philharmonic, regarding lack of qualified black oboists and special efforts needed to train them; Testimony of David Nadien, concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic, about qualifications of string players to become members of the New York Philharmonic, procedure for hiring substitute musicians; Testimony of Walter Rosenberger, principal percussionist with the New York Philharmonic, regarding procedure for hiring of substitute percussionists; Question of racial and gender discrimination; Qualifications of Elayne Jones, black timpanist with American Symphony and occasional percussionist with the New York Philharmonic.
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Volume IX: Human Rights Commission Hearings, Testimony of Mensch, Gomberg, Nadien and Rosenberger., 18 Oct 1969 - 18 Oct 1969, Folder 679-01-09, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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