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    Board of Directors > Minutes

Board of Directors Minutes, Dec 10, 1952 - Dec 10, 1952

Includes Mitropoulos letter to the President of the Board accepting his reappointment as Music Director; recommendation that guest conductors for 1953-54 be the same as in 1952-53, namely Bruno Walter, George Szell and Guiido Cantelli; management proposal for three special Saturday night concerts under Andre Kostelanetz; recommendations by Mitropoulos of soloists for 1953-54 approved with an appropriation of \$40,000; decision not to schedule any choral works for 1953-54; increase in size of Board approved; decision to solicit funds during rehearsals scheduled for members, not at the concerts; reports on single sales, radio membership and status of the Friends' Fund; discussion of special concert dedicated to the United Nations on October 25, 1953;
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Board of Directors Minutes, 10 Dec 1952 - 10 Dec 1952, Folder 606-02-49, Board of Directors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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