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    Board of Directors > Minutes

Executive Committee Minutes, March 1944, Mar 28, 1944 - Mar 29, 1944

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Record Group
  • Board of Directors
  • Minutes
  • 0.1
Report on renewal of broadcasting contract with Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), under probable sponsorship by U. S, Rubber; Authorization of Floyd G. Blair to negotiate renewal of contract with James M. Seward of CBS along terms specified by the Committee regarding payments, number of orchestra men to be used for the summer concerts and other matters; Mr. Blair empowered to sign a contract with CBS for renewal of sponsorship with U. S. Rubber Co.; approval of report on terms of the new Pension Plan that has been approved by the Orchestra membership; report on increase in single ticket sales
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Executive Committee Minutes, March 1944, 28 Mar 1944 - 29 Mar 1944, Folder 781-02-27, Board of Directors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.