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Communications/Public Relations > Press Clippings
1947 Stadium Scrapbook, Apr 3, 1947 - Aug 7, 1947
- ID:
- 555-053-01
Record Group
- Communications/Public Relations
- Press Clippings
Folder Title
- 1947 Stadium Scrapbook
- Apr 3, 1947 - Aug 7, 1947
- Airplanes
- Bach-Walton: Suite from The Wise Virgin
- Ballet Night
- Copland: Danzon Cubano
- Delius: Song of Summer
- Dirigible
- Francescatti, Ernesta
- Fuleihan: Concerto for Theremin
- Gershwin Night
- Goldmark: In the Spring Overture
- Grace Moore Memorial Night
- Guggenheimer, Minnie
- Herrmann: Welles Raises Kane
- Italian Night
- Jacobi: Concertino for Piano and Strings
- Lewisohn Stadium
- Liszt-Pattison: Concerto Pathetique
- Madame Butterfly
- Milhaud: Opus Americanum No. 2
- Moore: In Memoriam
- Music Under the Stars
- Orchestra Member Profiles
- Planes
- Press Clippings, Stadium 1947
- Rain Checks
- Romberg Night
- Stadium 1948
- Stadium Concerts
- Strauss-Zeller: Excerpts from Der Rosenkavalier
- Stringfield: The Legend of John Henry
- Television
- Templeton: Concertino Lirico
- Theremin
- Untermeyer, Sophie G.
- Veterans
- Viennese Night
- Wagner Night Show Top 4
- Altman, Thelma
- Andersen. Stell
- Anderson, Marian
- Barere, Simon
- Bernette, Yara
- Bernstein, Leonard
- Bokor, Margit
- Brown, Lawrence
- Brownlee, John
- Conley, Eugene
- Cooper, Rex
- Crossley, Duane
- Danforth, Charles
- De Luca, Giuseppe
- Dolin, Anton
- Duncan, Todd
- Elman, Mischa
- Englander, Lester
- Fernandez, Royes
- Foster, Sidney
- Francescatti, Zino
- Fuchs, Joseph
- General Platoff Don Cossack Chorus
- Hall, Leonne
- Herman, Jean
- Herrmann, Bernard
- Istomin, Eugene
- Jacobi, Irene
- Kapell, William
- Kavan, Albia
- Kirsten, Dorothy
- Knight, Felix
- Korn, Richard
- Lavalle, Paul
- Levant, Oscar
- List, Emanuel
- Lowe, Jack
- Markova, Alicia
- McMechen, June
- Melchior, Lauritz
- Melson, Carol
- Monteux, Pierre
- Nelli, Herva
- Peake, Marie Rogndahl
- Peerce, Jan
- Reich, George
- Ricci, Ruggiero
- Robeson, Paul
- Robin Hood Dell Chorus
- Rockmore, Clara
- Romberg, Sigmund
- Rosay, Bettina
- Rosenker, Michael
- Sabo, Rozsika
- Salmaggi, Alfredo
- Sanroma, Jesus Maria
- Schwieger, Hans
- Siebert, Wallace
- Smallens, Alexander
- Spalding, Albert
- Steber, Eleanor
- Stern, Carl
- Stern, Isaac
- Stolz, Robert
- Szigeti, Joseph
- Templeton, Alec
- Tihmer, David
- Tomaselli, Carlo
- Traubel, Helen
- Warburg, Gerald F.
- Whittemore, Arthur
- Wilde, Roy
- Zeller, Robert Show Top 4
- Stadium Concerts press clippings for the 1946, 1947 and 1948 seasons
- Philharmonic celebrates 30th Anniversary of the Stadium Concerts
- Tchaikovosky's "Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op. 33" revived
- Hans Schwieger, his career during the rise of Hitler.
- Albert Spalding ends performance career
- Ballet Anniversary Concert
- New advance sale of 10- and 20- ticket books st a discount for Stadium Concerts
- 400 free tickets per week for hospitalized veterans
- Stadium Concerts debuts for Foster, Barere, Schweiger, Herrmann, Szigeti, Korn, Francescatti
- Stolz receives honorary citizenship of Vienna, title of Professor awarded by Austrian president
- Hospitals named for ticket distributions to disabled veterans
- Sanroma to replace Levant
- Herrmann receives award for his work in music by Dorothy Shaver, president of Lord & Taylor
- New ticket price structure for field seats, prices remain unchanged for stadium seats
- 24th season of New York Philharmonic-Symphony as a performing organization
- Olin Downes: Stadium concerts led the way in a development of pronounced importance to the cultural life of the nation
- Mayor announced Lewisohn Stadium will get a new stage in 1948
- Euryanthe Overture replaces Freischutz Overture
- Conley, Kirsten have Stadium Concerts debuts
- Stravinsky's Firebird Suite replaces Stravinsky's Petrouchka Suite
- Stadium concert aired on television by NBC-TV for the first time
- Milhaud has New York and Stadium Concerts premiere
- Successful re-routing of airplanes away from Lewisohn Stadium during concerts
- First time in eight years Gershwin Memorial attendance drops below 19,000
- Alexander Smallens to accept post as musical director at Radio City Music Hall
- Bernette, Schweiger, Ricci, Rockmore, Nelli, Salmaggi, Danfort, Traubel have Stadium Concerts debuts
- Templeton featured as soloist and composer
- Mitropoulos conducts his first opera in New York
- Zeller has Philharmonic and Stadium Concerts debut
- Alexander Smallens last season conducting Stadium Concerts
- Anton Dolin dances with broken toe
- Ballet Night has record attendance of 20,000
- Boris Sokoloff, manager of the the New York Philharmonic's 1947 spring tour, appointed associate manager for the 1948 Stadium Concerts
- Concert On the Mall radio script
- Lewisohn Stadium to get dressing rooms for 1948 season
Project Funder
- Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
1947 Stadium Scrapbook, 3 Apr 1947 - 7 Aug 1947, Folder 555-053-01, Communications/Public Relations Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.