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    Finance & Personnel > Controller > Steiner, Maynard E. (Larry)

Assistant Conductors, File #1, Nov 15, 1961 - Jan 27, 1968

Documents and correspondence regarding guest conductors and assistant conductors; Working papers by Maynard Steiner on the income and costs associated with certain guest and assistant conductors; New York Philharmonic release about Maurice Peress's appointment to music director of Corpus Christi Symphony; Blank U.S. 1040B tax form with corresponding instructions; Letters of congratulations to Paul Capolongo, Helen Quach, and Alois Springer on winning the Dimitri Mitropoulos Competition and subsequent appointment as assistant conductors for the 1967-68 Season; LS-Nathaniel Field
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Assistant Conductors, File #1, 15 Nov 1961 - 27 Jan 1968, Folder 183-01-08, Finance & Personnel Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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