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    Executive > Moseley, Carlos

Columbia Records Royalty Agreements, 1961-1969, Jun 16, 1961 - Oct 3, 1969

Royalty agreements between Columbia Records (later CBS Records) and the New York Philharmonic; Spcial agreements for royalties on records included in budget sines of recordings, including Odyssey label in the United States and Realm label in Europe; Audits of royalty income from Columbia records; LS-Schuyler Chapin; LS-John McClure; LS-homas Frost; LS-Leonard Burkat; LS-Carlos Moseley; LS-Edwin P. Kaufman; Statements of Royalty Income from Columbia Records; Dispute on royalties on bonus records offered and distributed by Columbia Record Club; Royalty Income from Columbia Records
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Columbia Records Royalty Agreements, 1961-1969, 16 Jun 1961 - 3 Oct 1969, Folder 002-02-34, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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