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    Artistic/Music Administration > Program Annotator > Downes, Edward

Prokofiev (General), Aug 20, 1965 - May 11, 1991

Magazine articles and newspaper clippings concerning Sergei Prokofiev: review of War and Peace by Andrew Porter (1975); review of Maddalena by Donal Henahan; review of Prokofiev's memoirs by Harold C. Schonberg and by Donal Henahan; review of Ivan the Terrible by Harold C. Schonberg; program of The Love for Three Oranges, New York City Opera, 06 April 1980
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Prokofiev (General), 20 Aug 1965 - 11 May 1991, Folder 561-06-027, Artistic/Music Administration Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.