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1955-56 Scrapbook (Part 1 of 2), Jun 1, 1955 - Apr 30, 1956

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Record Group
  • Communications/Public Relations
  • Press Clippings
Contents List
  • p. 2 - Opening Night
  • p. 11 - Personnel
  • p. 22 - Lincoln Square Project
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  • p. 2 - Opening Night
  • p. 11 - Personnel
  • p. 22 - Lincoln Square Project
  • p. 29 - Board of Directors
  • p. 32 - Awards and Special Events
  • p. 33 - Radio, TV, Records
  • p. 44 - Dimitri Mitropoulos
  • p. 52 - Friends
  • p. 56 - Young People's
  • p. 58 - Conductors
  • p. 60 - Obituaries
  • Show First 3
Folder Title
  • 1955-56 Scrapbook (Part 1 of 2)
  • Jun 1, 1955 - Apr 30, 1956
- Press clippings from 1955-56 season - Plans to bring Soviet artists David Oistrakh and Emil Gilels to New York - Death of New York Times Music Critic, Olin Downes - Gala Opening Night Concert after European tour with ambassadors. dignitaries and representatives of foreign countries in attendance with Andrea very fashionable audience - Season Opening Concert features Rudolf Serkin playing 3 Mozart Piano Concertos - Andre Kostelanetz incorporates two Japanese works in his New Year's Eve program: Tone Poem "Sea of Spring" and "Coming from Heaven" - Carl Sandberg is guest narrator in Copland's Lincoln Portrait with Andre Kostelanetz conducting on February 4, 1956 - Noel Coward appears a Narrator in Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals with Andre Kostelanetz on April 7, 1956 - Article on Jean Sibelius on his 90th Birthday - A revised version of Roy Harris' 7th Symphony to be premiered by the Philadelphia Orchestra - Dispute between the Philharmonic and American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) about use of vocal artists and choruses - Time magazine article on David Oistrakh - David Oistrakh is soloist with the Philharmonic in Shostakovich's new Violin Concerto, which received a warm reception from audience and critics - Drive to save Carnegie hall - Guest soloists named for 1956-67 season - Possible sale of Carnegie Hall - New York Philharmonic commits itself to relocate to Lincoln Square along with the Metropolitan Opera, according to articles in the New York Times in October 1955 - John D. Rockefeller 3d to head committee to explore development of arts center at Lincoln Square, according to New York Times article December 1, 1955 - Slum clearance at Lincoln Square proposed by Robert Moses - Article on New Cultural Vista for New York City with proposed arts center at Lincoln Square, article by Howard Taubman in New York Times Magazine - Multiple newspaper articles in April and May 1956 describe new cultural center at Lincoln Square and ancillary development in that area - Federal role in Lincoln Square redevelopment project - David M. Keiser elected Philharmonic President - Floyd G. Blair elected Philharmonic Board Chairman - Benefit concert to aid Greek orphans - 4eginald H. Hall winner of the Gershwin Memorial Contest for composers - Lists of recommended recordings and record reviews - David Oistrakh recordings with the New York Philharmonic and the Philadelphia Orchestra - Oistrakh recording with Mitropoulos and the Philharmonic of Shostakovich's Violin Concerto released only 4 days after the recording sessions - Philharmonic returns for 26th Year on CBS Radio - Symphony of the Birds, by James Fassett, CBS Radio Commentator - Mitropoulos to conduct Mozart's Don Giovanni at Salzburg Festival, Puccini's Girl of the Golden West at Chicago Lyric Opera, and Puccini's Tosca in Dallas - Mitropoulos conducts at Syracuse University - Mitropoulos hailed for Tosca at the Metropolitan Opera with Renata Tebaldi, Richard Tucker and Leonard Warren - Mitropoulos conducted a powerful revival of Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov at the Met in the Karol Rathaus version featuring Jerome Hines as Boris - Celebration of Dimitri Mitropoulos's 60th birthday at the Philharmonic and the Metropolitan Opera; he says that he made up his birthday when he left Greece many years ago and he may be considerably older - Mitropoulos conducts Puccini's Manon Lescaut at the Met drawing mixed reviews - Mitropoulos and the Philharmonic play at Julia Richman High School for high school students from the five boroughs - 14-year old pianist Diana Mittler plays at a Young Peoples' Concert - 14-year old pianist Tong-il Han plays at a Young Peoples' Concert; fifteen other young music students from the New York area appear in the orchestra with members of the Philharmonic - Philharmonic celebrates Jean Sibelius's 90th birthday with Sibelius Week and an all-Sibelius concert on December 4, 1955 - Rudolf Serkin plays the Mendelssohn G-minor Piano Concerto at a Young Peoples' Concert - Mitropoulos named Music Director for 1956-57 - Pierre Monteux celebrates his 80th birthday with concerts at the Philharmonic and performances at the Metropolitan Opera - Cantelli cancels dates with the Philharmonic to allow him to conduct Mozart's Cosi fan Tutte' in Milan; Mitropoulos takes over for those dates - Leonard Bernstein and Paul Paray named as guest conductors fior 1956-57 along with Bruno Walter and Guido Cantelli - Death of Olin Downes, long time music critic of the New York Times - Death of famed pianist Carl Friedberg - Death of conductor Erich Kleiber, who conducted numerous concerts with the New York Philharmonic in the 1930s - Death of pianist Hortense Monath, who appeared frequently with the New York Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall and Lewisohn Stadium, co-founder of New Friends of Music
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
1955-56 Scrapbook (Part 1 of 2), 1 Jun 1955 - 30 Apr 1956, Folder 555-067-01, Communications/Public Relations Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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