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    Artistic/Music Administration > Milburn, Frank

Program Planning, 1969-70 Conductor Correspondence, Jan 13, 1969 - May 15, 1970

LS-Winston Fitzgerald; LS-Frank Milburn; LS-Clara Simons; ALS-Corky Siegel; LS-George Szell; ALS-Claudio Abbado; ALS-Istvan Kertesz; LS-William Russo; ALS-Rafael Fruhbeck de Burgos; LS-Lorin Maazel; Correspondences and list of schedules regarding programs for the 1969-1970 season; Questionnaires sent out to guest conductors regarding scores and orchestra personnel (extra players, etc.) for pieces to be performed
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Program Planning, 1969-70 Conductor Correspondence, 13 Jan 1969 - 15 May 1970, Folder 692-01-09, Artistic/Music Administration Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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