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1941 Stadium Scrapbook (Part 3 of 3), Jul 22, 1941 - Aug 31, 1941
- ID:
- 555-038-03
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Record Group
- Communications/Public Relations
- Press Clippings
Folder Title
- 1941 Stadium Scrapbook (Part 3 of 3)
- Jul 22, 1941 - Aug 31, 1941
- Adler, Larry
- Adler, Peter Herman
- Bauer, Harold
- Bennett, Robert Russell
- Corigliano, John, Sr.
- Dixon, Dean
- Dorfmann, Ania
- Dvorak, Antonin
- Field, Joan
- Flagstad, Kirsten
- Guggenheimer, Minnie
- Hamilton, Helen (Mrs. Pierpoint Morgan)
- Heifetz, Jascha
- Kostelanetz, Andre
- La Guardia, Fiorello H.
- Lewisohn, Sam A.
- Moses, Robert
- Naegele, Charles
- Paranov, Moshe
- Pons, Lily
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei
- Rubinstein, Artur
- Smallens, Alexander
- Steinberg, Hans Wilhelm
- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich
- Thomson, Virgil
- Traubel, Helen
- Webster, Beveridge
- Zimbalist, Efrem Show Top 4
- Orchestra performs at the opening of the New York State Amphitheater, the first time in the history of the Stadium Concerts that a concert was given outside of Lewisohn Stadium
- Lily Pons sings at Lewisohn Stadium with Andre Kostelanetz leading the orchestra
- Jascha Heifetz is soloist at the Stadium after a one-year absence
- Ballet Russe completes their performance of Swan Lake, but the remainder of the program is halted due to rain
- World premiere of Robert Russell Bennett's "Symphony in D for the Dodgers," conducted by Hans Wilhelm Steinberg
- New York Sun article looking at the actual attendance of stadium concerts against the estimated attendance records printed in newspapers
- Jascha Heifetz presents his aluminum practice violin to Mayor LaGuardia to aid the scrap aluminum drive
- Dean Dixon is the first African American to conduct the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
- Alexander Smallens returns to conduct his twelfth concert of the current Stadium season
- Pons and Kostelanetz give a second program at the stadium after rain cuts short their concert earlier in the week
- Helen Traubel appears on an all-Wagner program
- Steinberg conducts Glazunov's rarely performed Symphony No.6
- First New York concert performance of the Offenbach-Byrns, "Robinson Crusoe" suite
- Larry Adler, harmonica player, makes his stadium debut; talks about the intimidation of playing for Sergei Rachmaninoff
- Bauer, Webster, Paranov, and Naegele are the soloists on the Vivaldi-Bach Concerto in A minor for four pianos and orchestra
- Peter Herman Adler makes his stadium debut conducting a program of Viennese music
- Comparisons between Helen Traubel and Kirsten Flagstad, whose roles Traubel is likely to take over at the Metropolitan Opera in the coming season
- Efrem Zimbalist and Arthur Rubinstein make appearances as soloists in the final week of the season
- Responses from the audience to interview questions about the stadium season
- Adler conducts an all-Dvorak program to commemorate the composer's 100th birthday, a couple weeks ahead of the actual centennial
- Reader correspondence to Virgil Thomson on the merits of Tchaikovsky's music
Project Funder
- Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
1941 Stadium Scrapbook (Part 3 of 3), 22 Jul 1941 - 31 Aug 1941, Folder 555-038-03, Communications/Public Relations Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.