Found In:

Bernstein, Leonard, Papers of, 1969-1977, Mar 26, 1969 - Oct 31, 1977

Correspondence regarding Bernstein contracts with the Philharmonic for 1969-1977; Schedules of rehearsals, concerts and recording sessions for Bernstein and the Philharmonic, 1972-1977; Remarks by Archibald MacLeish at Bernstein's Final Concert as Music Director, 17 May 1969; Recordings for CBS and Deutsche Grammophon; LS-Martin Bookspan; Draft of Bookspan article "Bernstein's Impact on the Philharmonic", March 1969; List of Bernstein Honors, 1943-68; Harry Kraut, assumes position as Bernstein's manager at Amerson Productions in Oct 1971; LS-Harry Kraut; Presentation of Handel Medallion of the City of New York to Leonard Bernstein by Mayor Abraham D. Beane; LS-Martin E. Segal, regarding Handel Medallion
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Bernstein, Leonard, Papers of, 1969-1977, 26 Mar 1969 - 31 Oct 1977, Folder 010-01-26, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.