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    Operations/Orchestra Services > Managing Director > Zirato, Bruno

CBS Broadcasting, Guest Artists, Programs and Timings, Sponsorship, Jan 1, 1950 - Feb 5, 1957

Zirato correspondence with CBS regarding programs and timings, soloists, and sponsors; Fassett and Corwin Green Room intermission radio speech (Jan. 1, 1950); Floyd G. Blair intermission speeches for broadcasts of 1 March and 26 April 1953; New Year's Poem by Norman Corwin read during broadcast of 01 January 1950; LS-James Fassett.length of radio broadcasts, intermission features and other matters; Summer broadcasts from music festivals by Jim Fassett; LS-James M. Seward, CBS Vice President, misc. regarding radio broadcasts; LS-Leonard R. Case, CBS, misc correspondence with Bruno Zirato; Proposal of a special commission to Roy Harris for a short work to mark 25 years of CBS broadcasts of the New York Philharmonic; Correspondence re feasibility of regular series of television broadcasts; List of broadcast fees to the Philharmonic from CBS, 1930-1955; Column by John Crosby on
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
CBS Broadcasting, Guest Artists, Programs and Timings, Sponsorship, 1 Jan 1950 - 5 Feb 1957, Folder 027-01-02, Operations/Orchestra Services Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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