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    Customer Relations/Audience Services > Sokoloff, Boris

Complaints and Compliments, Sep 13, 1949 - Jun 14, 1950

ALS-Boris Sokoloff. ALS-Bruno Zirato. ALS-Robert E. Simon. Complaint letter saying Leonard Bernstein should be "shot or burned in oil" for method of conducting 1st Concerto of Beethoven; Jewish subscribers asking for refunds or exchange because concert was scheduled on Jewish holiday; Extended correspondence about alleged ticket speculation (scalping) at Carnegie Hall box office; Complaints about Philharmonic performances of "dischordant" and "atonal" contemporary music; Compliment from owner of Carnegie Tavern that Philharmonic orchestra members behaved like "gentlemen" when visitng tavern; Complaint, about newspaper response by Arnold Schoenberg, alleging that Philharmonic and CBS purposfully excluded his "controversial" music from radio broadcasts; Philharmonic response to allegations of excluding Arnold Schoenberg music in CBS radio broadcasts.
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Complaints and Compliments, 13 Sep 1949 - 14 Jun 1950, Folder 002-03-31, Customer Relations/Audience Services Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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