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1946-47 Scrapbook (Part 1 of 3), Sep 1, 1946 - Feb 10, 1947

- Artur Rodzinski is reunited with his mother after a nine year separation. To reach her son after having no contact with him from 1939 to 1944, Jadwiga Rodzinski contacted an American pilot whose plane had been forced down near her home in Lwow, Poland and gave him a note to pass on to her son - Plans for the 1947 Spring Tour of the Southern U.S. - Suggestions for increasing the number of Young People's Concerts - Four premieres planned for the coming season, composed by Manuel Rosenthal, Henry Barraud, Paul Hindemith, and Arthur Honegger - Hollywood crew begins filming on location for Federal Films' motion picture "Carnegie Hall" - Auditions for soloists for YPCs - Columbia Broadcasting System's announcement of the NY Philharmonic's 17th season on CBS - CBS announces four scientists to give Philharmonic Intermission Talks - Rodzinski conducts the opening concert of the 105th season with his mother in attendance, featuring the first New York performance of this arrangement of Schuman's Undertow - Philharmonic opens the twentieth year of Community Concerts at Norwalk High School - Marshall Field resigns as president of the Philharmonic but retains his position as a board member. Charles Triller is appointed President in his place. - Maryla Jonas is soloist on Beethoven's Second Piano Concerto in her orchestral debut with the Philharmonic - American premiere of Manuel Rosenthal's "Musique de Table" - The international meat shortage leads to a number of headlines featuring food-based analogies - Yehudi Menuhin is soloist on Brahms' Violin Concerto - de Stefano String Quartet to perform at the second Unity Recital at Montclair Art Museum; Quartet features Michael de Stefano, Arthur Schuller, Joseph Vieland, and Carl Stern, all members of the Philharmonic - David Nadien wins Leventritt Fund Award - Wanda Landowska plays solo part in the orchestra's first performance of Mozart's Piano Concerto in C-major, K.415 - Walter Hendl substitutes on short notice for the indisposed Artur Rodzinski - A film reel, documenting the story of Walter Damrosch, is compiled by Boris Morros and William Le Baron, to be added to the permanent records of the orchestra - New York premiere of Shostakovich's "Symphony No.9" - 15-year-old pianist, Sylvia Zaremba, is soloist on the Chopin Concerto in F minor - Guiomar Novaes and John Corigliano Sr. are featured at Town Hall as part of Debut and Encore Concerts' series - Praise for Mischa Elman's performance of the Beethoven Violin Concerto - Leonard Bernstein, director the the New York City Symphony" selects a program of four works by veterans - Rodzinski agrees terms to conduct eleven concerts on tour in Europe over the winter period; George Szell, Leopold Stokowski, and Charles Munch will serve as guest directors - William Kapell performs piano solo on Khatchatourian Concerto with the Philharmonic - World premiere of Darius Milhaud's Cello Concerto No. 2 - Manuel Rosenthal, guest conductor, leads orchestra in all-French program, featuring three American premieres - All-Tchaikovsky program features Joseph Fuchs as soloist - George Szell conducts all-Beethoven program with Claudio Arrau as the soloist - R.W.G. Welling, former secretary of the Philharmonic Society, dies as 88 - Buno Jaenicke, obituary - Musical Courier asks composers of various nations to list composers from their homelands whose works went unnoticed due to the war and now deserve recognition - Leopold Stokowski takes over as guest conductor; Conducts his own Bach arrangements - World premiere of Elie Siegmeister's Prairie Legend as performed in full, conducted by Stokowski - Charles Munch takes over from Stokowki, leads American premiere of Honegger's Symphony No. 3 - Rodzinski submits his resignation, asks to be released from his contract in October 1947, citing interference from Arthur Judson in the artistic activities of the orchestra - Rodzinski is dismissed, effective immediately, in response to his letter of resignation - Rodzinski accepts post as conductor of the Chicago Symphony orchestra, succeeds Desire Defauw - Bruno Walter conducts Philharmonic in Mahler's Fifth Symphony, second half of the program features Chopin's E minor concerto with Arthur Rubinstein at the piano
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
1946-47 Scrapbook (Part 1 of 3), 1 Sep 1946 - 10 Feb 1947, Folder 555-050-02, Communications/Public Relations Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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