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    Board of Directors > President > Moseley, Carlos

Correspondence and Death of Keiser, David, Nov 24, 1968 - Mar 23, 1978

ALS-Karlheinz Stockhausen, ALS-Rudolph Serkin, ALS-Pierre Boulez, ALS-Erich Leinsdorf, ALS-George Szell, LS-Vladimir Horowitz, LS- William F. Buckley, LS-Richard Rodgers, LS-John V. Lindsay, LS- Peggy Rockefeller, LS-Eugene Ormandy, LS-Lorin Maazel. Memorial Notice for David M. Keiser; Copy of letter discussing results of Human Rights Commission, alleging that Philharmonic was racist, by Amyas Ames; Note to Eugene Ormandy mentioning that Human Rights Commission ordered Philharmonic to engage Earl Madison at least once when orchestra needed extra musician; Thank You note from David Rockefeller about step-mother's death; Postcard from South Africa; Thank you note from Lady Barbirolli to Carlos Moseley for sympathy over death of Sir John Barbirolli; Photo-copy of "God is Our Refuge" composed by Wolfgang A. Mozart at age 9.
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Correspondence and Death of Keiser, David, 24 Nov 1968 - 23 Mar 1978, Folder 007-04-05, Board of Directors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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