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    Communications/Public Relations

Pension Fund and Pension Fund Concerts 1940-56, Jan 1, 1940 - Feb 6, 1956

Pamphlet letter to Friends of the Philharmonic announcing the establishmenet of a pension fund and requesting membership in the Philharmonic Society. Press release about Pension Fund. Copies of "The Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York, Inc. Employees' Pension Plan and Trust Agreement" as variously amended. Ticket order forms for various Pension Fund concerts. Press clippings. Detailed program notes on "Elijah." List of musicians retired under Pension Plan-Trust Agreement, End of season 1951-52. List of musicians in Old Pension Plan (original custodian penion plan). Memos and letters responding to New York Times article about orchestra pension plans. Various programs from Pension Fund concerts. Financial report for fiscal year ending 31 May 1951.
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Pension Fund and Pension Fund Concerts 1940-56, 1 Jan 1940 - 6 Feb 1956, Folder 016-03-24, Communications/Public Relations Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.