Found In:

Conductors, Miscellaneous, Oct 15, 1945 - Jan 9, 1952

ALS-Erich Leinsdorf; LS-BrunoWalter; ALS-Artur Rodzinski; ALS-Leo Smit; ALS-Darius Milhaud; ALS-Vladimir Shavitch; LS-Ignace Strasfogel; LS-Robert Zeller; LS-Arthur Kreutz; LS-Louis Vyner; ALS-Frederick Vogelgesang; LS-Howard Shanet;LS-Jonathan Sternberg; LS-Julius Rudel; LS-Evan Whallan; LS-Leo Scheer; ALS-Paul Strauss; Effort to Bring Serge Prokofiev to the USA; Applications for guest conductor and assistant conductor positions; Letter from Artur Rodzinski to Director of Music, Republique Francaise, regarding engagement of and fees for Charles Munch and Manuel Rosenthal as guest conductors; Newspaper clippings and Queens Symphony Society programs re: Howard Shanet; "Building a Symphony for your City-Area and For You" by Leo Scheer: outline on starting a symphony orchestra organization; Correspondence with Darius Milhaud regarding programs of his music and engagement as guest conductor, 1948-49; Appeal by Bruno Walter for donations from the public
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Conductors, Miscellaneous, 15 Oct 1945 - 9 Jan 1952, Folder 011-02-36, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.