Found In:
    Orchestra Committee

Correspondence and Notes 1965-66, Nov 7, 1964 - Jul 10, 1966

Handwritten minutes of meetings of Steering Committee and Orchestra Committee, 1964-1966; Election of Orchestra Committee; Seating plan for strings; Reports on profit distribution from radio broadcasts; FinancialsStatements of New York Philharmonic Radio Network; Gift to Danny Kaye; Correspondence on Strike by musicians of National Symphony Orchestra; Procedures for filling vacancies in the orchestra; retirement of John Corigliano as Concertmaster and auditions for his replacement; LS-Amyas Ames; Complaint over abuse of orchestra musicians by conductor Lukas Foss; Arrangements for concert at United Nations
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Correspondence and Notes 1965-66, 7 Nov 1964 - 10 Jul 1966, Folder 509-01-20, Orchestra Committee Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.