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Finance & Personnel > Controller
Amyas Ames, Correspondence, Sep 3, 1964 - Jan 15, 1968
- ID:
- 183-01-07
Record Group
- Finance & Personnel
- Controller
Folder Title
- Amyas Ames, Correspondence
- Sep 3, 1964 - Jan 15, 1968
Controller Maynard Steiner's correspondence with Amyas Ames from 1964-68; Proposal from Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts for financing modifications to Philharmonic Hall, dated May 1965; Summary of New York Philharmonic expenses and income, comparing Seasons 49-50, 54-55, 59-60, and 64-65; List of payments to Lincoln Center from 1963-67 and the New York Philharmonic's share of deficit from 1963-68; Accounting report of Philharmonic Hall operating costs prepared by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, & Co. dated Oct 27, 1966; LS-Amyas Ames; LS-Paul J. Doto; ALS-Maynard Steiner; LS-Arno C. Zeyn
Project Funder
- Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Amyas Ames, Correspondence, 3 Sep 1964 - 15 Jan 1968, Folder 183-01-07, Finance & Personnel Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.