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Finance & Personnel > Controller
Old Service Records, Oct 1, 1944 - Jan 27, 1964
- ID:
- 183-02-11
Record Group
- Finance & Personnel
- Controller
Folder Title
- Old Service Records
- Oct 1, 1944 - Jan 27, 1964
- Abel, Joan
- Apgar, Edna
- Bardos, Bela
- Bean, Betty Randolph
- Beichert, Sally
- Bellison, Simeon
- Berman, William
- Boltuch, Morris
- Boyd, Robert
- Bracco, Marie E.
- Brenning, Alfred
- Budd, Dorothy
- Busch, Leopold
- Cella, Theodore
- Cioffi, Barto Gino
- Clark, John V.
- Conrad, Otto
- Cummings, Norma L.
- D'Amico, Leonardo
- De Pasquale, Robert
- Dennis, Ellen J.
- Dickie, James
- Dubensky, Arkady
- Dubensky, Leo
- Edman, Silas
- Eger, Joseph
- Feder, William
- Feinsmith, Samuel
- Fischer, Marcus
- Fortier, Anselme
- Gaskins, Ben
- Gassell, Rosalie
- Gerardi, Antonio
- Ghignatti, Amedeo
- Goettich, Hans
- Golden, Joseph
- Gray, William
- Hammill, Roseann K.
- Haney, Lewis Van
- Harrison, Frank
- Healy, Jean M.
- Heinz, Rudolph
- Hitchcock, Gail
- Hochner, Edward
- Hoffman, Stanley
- Hyams, Harry
- Imparato, Giovanni
- Jacobi, Vincent
- Joachim, Heinrich
- Kern, Richard C.
- Kreiselman, Morris
- Krimm, Gerald
- Ladetto, Renato
- Lannoye, Marcel
- Larsen, Gladys L.
- Layefsky, Godfrey
- Lehrfeld, Robert
- Lifschey, Elias
- Lipschitz, Solomon
- Lora, Alfred
- Losee, Jean G.
- Luehman, Elaine
- McEvers, James
- McGinnis, Robert
- Meyers, Thomas
- Miller, Helen
- Moores, Molly
- Morgulis, George
- Morrison, Eleanor
- Muscanto, Mischa
- Pagano, Emil
- Pearlstein, Abraham
- Prager, Nathan
- Prior, Ferdinand
- Puletz, Rudolph
- Pulis, Gordon
- Rabin, George
- Regan, Peter Michael
- Reilich, Joseph
- Rich, Albert
- Richart, Santiago
- Robbins, Ella
- Rose, Leonard
- Rosensweig, David
- Ruta, Armand
- Rybb, Daniel
- Satterfield, W. Jack
- Schulze, Adolf Gustav
- Scott, Walter C.
- Sensale, Roberto
- Settani, Eugene
- Shea, Nora
- Smith, Mary Hunting
- Sokoloff, Boris
- Sophos, Anthony
- Soria, Dorle Jarmel
- Stavrache, Christine
- Stirn, Andrew Francis
- Taylor, Ross
- Van Praag, Maurice
- Varga, Laszlo
- Vieland, Joseph
- Vogelgesang, Frederick
- Wenning, Jane C.
- Wilber, Weldon
- Williams, Alexander
- Woolford, John
- Zaratzian, Harry
- Zaslavsky, Ruth Show Top 4
Service records and beneficiary designation documents of New York Philharmonic employees from 1944-64
Project Funder
- Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Old Service Records, 1 Oct 1944 - 27 Jan 1964, Folder 183-02-11, Finance & Personnel Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.