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    Orchestra Personnel > Van Praag, Maurice

Manager's Reports, Sep 20, 1948 - Apr 17, 1949

Personnel Manager's Reports, Season 1948-49; Weekly listing of men who missed rehearsals and/or concerts due to illness, bereavement, etc.; List of extra musicians; problems with behavior of individual orchestra members; musicians missing rehearsals and concerts due to illness; letters from doctors treating ill musicians; list of orchestra personnel for the season; out-of-town concerts; fall tour under Leopold Stokowski; large number of extra musicians required for Mahler Symphony No. 7 (Mitropoulos), Mahler Symphony No. 2 (Walter); auditions
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Manager's Reports, 20 Sep 1948 - 17 Apr 1949, Folder 562-03-02, Orchestra Personnel Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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