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    Board of Directors > Mackay, Clarence H.

Mackay, Clarence H., Papers of, Sep 30, 1921 - Mar 16, 1926

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Record Group
  • Board of Directors
  • Mackay, Clarence H.
  • 0.7
Folder Title
  • Mackay, Clarence H., Papers of
  • Sep 30, 1921 - Mar 16, 1926
Brooklyn Music School Concert; Negotiations with Conductor Josef Stransky; Soloist suggestions for portion of season conducted by Willem Mengelberg; Mengelberg's demands for orchestra changes in personnel; Fees for soloists requested by Mengelberg, 1922; Proposal of concerts for students on Wednesday evenings; Ideas for broadcasting concerts; LS-Clarence Mackay, various, regarding operation of The Philharmonic Society and later the Philharmonic-Symphony Society; Era of Arthur Judson as manager of the Philharmonic Society begins in June 1922; Changes suggested by Arthur Judson on becoming manager in 1922; Planning for concerts of Stransky and Mengelberg, 1922-23; LS-Federick B. Robinson re student concerts at The College of the City of New York; Initial contacts with Arturo Toscanini, November 1922; Complaints from Arthur Judson (AJ) about attitude and performance of Associate Conductor Henry Hadley; Concerts at the Metropolitan Opera House; AJ report of increasing problems with conductor Josef Stransky; Favorable reports on conductor Willem van Hoogstraten, January 1923; Private performance by pianist Alfred Cortot at Clarence Mackay's house; Forced resignation of Chief Conductor Josef Stransky and executive Committee action, February 1923; Financial report on ten Educational Concerts at City College and Carnegie Hall, 1922-23; Dispute with Detroit Symphony over trumpet player Harry Glantz; Fundraising activities, 1923, under Mrs. Louise Ryals de Cravioto; Efforts at fundraising and increasing attendance at concerts, 1923; Report of Arthur Judson, June 1923, recording his accomplishments during the past year as Orchestra Manager; Proposed performances by Mengelberg of Bach's St. Matthew Passion in Spring 1924 (did not take place); Creation of a Radio Committee, October 1923; Meeting of Presidents of Orchestra Asociations in 1924; Proposal to make President Calvin Coolidge an Honorary Associate of the Philharmonic; Correspondence with Auxiliary Board; Arthur Judson Annual Report April 30, 1924; Increase in number of concerts 1924-25; Announcement of Stravinsky appearances with the Philharmonic; Negotiation of contract terms with Stravinsky; Percentage of native born Americans in symphony orchestras; Contract negotiations with orchestra; Union demands; ALS-Marie Kieckhofer, re National Music League dispute
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Mackay, Clarence H., Papers of, 30 Sep 1921 - 16 Mar 1926, Folder 005-03-03, Board of Directors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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