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    Executive > Zirato, Bruno

Zirato, Bruno; Judson, Arthur, May 27, 1943 - Oct 27, 1953

LS-George Szell; LS-Dimitri Mitropoulos; LS-Dorle Jarmel; LS-Hans Lange; ALS- Mrs. Leopold Stokowski (Olga Samaroff); ALS-Eva Gauthier; LS-Fredric Kurzweil; Controversy about duel position of Arthur Judson as head of CAMI; Leonard Bernstein coming to the Philharmonic; Address made by Arthur Judson at the annual meeting of the National Music Council, June 1946; Lists naming managers of guests artists and conductors that appeared with major symphony orchestras, 1948-51; "A Proposal to Record Certain American Orchestras, and to Market their Recordings by Novel Means"
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Zirato, Bruno; Judson, Arthur, 27 May 1943 - 27 Oct 1953, Folder 005-02-19, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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