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    Music Director/Conductors > Conductors > Rodzinski, Artur

Rodzinski Correspondence 1945, Jan 4, 1945 - Dec 29, 1945

Correspondence between Artur Rodzinski (AR), Music Director, and Bruno Zirato (BZ), Associate Manager, 1945, about program planning, orchestra issues, soloists, fees, etc.; LS-Bruno Zirato, various; hndwritten notes by AR; list of soloists and their fees; procedure for dismissal of orchestra members; AR fees for broadcast concerts; ALS-Artur Rodzinski; complaint of AR to BZ about failure to acknowledge AR as Music Director in CBS radio broadcasts; Letter from BZ to AR regarding the disturbing tone of his recent letters and nasty stories about him, labeled "the gossiping inner family"; donation of fees from Columbia Concerts; unanticipated cancellation of summer broadcasts by sponsor U. S. Rubber; AR cancellation of season-opening concerts in Rochester; problems in hiring an Assistant Conductor; proposed performance of a piece by Lionel Barrymore; plans for American Premiere of Honegger's "Jeanne d'Arc au Bucher"; suggestion about engaging Charles Munch as guest conductor
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Rodzinski Correspondence 1945, 4 Jan 1945 - 29 Dec 1945, Folder 1078-01-07, Music Director/Conductors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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