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    Education > Young People's Concerts

Young People's Concerts: Scripts, Nov 1, 1969 - May 9, 1970

ALS-Carlos Moseley, ALS-Anita Darian, ALS-Warren Forest, ALS-Howard Ross, ALS-David Cumberland. Script: "Music for the Movies" and respective cue sheet; Script: "Fidelio" and respective music cue sheet; Script and cue sheet for "The Anatomy of a Symphony Orchestra"; Artists engaged for YPC performance of "Fidelio; Signed artist contracts; Script: and cue sheet for "Words and Music".
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Young People's Concerts: Scripts, 1 Nov 1969 - 9 May 1970, Folder 020-11-03, Education Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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