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    Artistic/Music Administration > Milburn, Frank

Program Planning, 1965-66, Feb 10, 1965 - Mar 30, 1966

LS-Winston Fitzgerald; LS-Thomas Schippers; Bernstein, Steinberg, Schippers, Lucas Foss, George Szell program planning and related correspondence for the 1965-1966 season; Stravinsky Festival program planning; Lukas Foss' version of Bach St. John Passion; Concert dates, 1965-66
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Program Planning, 1965-66, 10 Feb 1965 - 30 Mar 1966, Folder 692-01-06, Artistic/Music Administration Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.