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    Executive > Zirato, Bruno

Field, Marshall, Jun 25, 1941 - Jan 17, 1957

LS-Marshall Field; LS-Harry S. Truman; Refusal of AFM to allow 802 members to play under Serge Koussevitzky, as the Boston Symphony was not a union-sanctioned orchestra; Resignation of Arturo Toscanini; Philharmonic reduces its AFM contract due to the war; Election of Ralph F. Colin to Board of Directors; Invitation for Dmitri Shostakovich to appear with the Philharmonic; Harry S. Truman is named honorary member of the Philharmonic-Symphony Society; Pension fund correspondence; Marshall Field correspondence, including detailed letter from Arthur Judson about his connections with other organizations (CAMI, Columbia, etc.); Arthur Judson correspondence on behalf of Marshall Field inviting Duke and Duchess of Windsor and Sir Gerald and Lady Campbell to the Centennial, Oct. 23, 1941 concert. Correspondence re: annual report, recording rates and royalties; Resignation of Marshall Field as President of Philharmonic-Symphony Society; Contributions of Marshall Field; Death of Marshall Field
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Field, Marshall, 25 Jun 1941 - 17 Jan 1957, Folder 005-02-02, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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