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    Board of Directors > Minutes

Executive Committee Minutes, Mar 24, 1954 - Mar 24, 1954

Agreement in principle to a television contract with Stadium Television; committee appointed to co-ordinate priveleges of Friends, Members and Radio Memberships; gift in memory of Henry Coe to be used for distribution of tickets; gift in memory of Alma Morgenthau to be used for performance of contemporary works; Spring tours in 1954 and 1955; financial report on Friends' Fund, single sales, record royalties, radio membership and Pension Fund concert with Artur Rubinstein
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Executive Committee Minutes, 24 Mar 1954 - 24 Mar 1954, Folder 606-02-61, Board of Directors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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