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    Communications/Public Relations > Press Clippings

1968-69 Scrapbook, Volume II (Part 2 of 2), Dec 1, 1968 - Sep 1, 1969

Parts 1-2 of this scrapbook include: -Press regarding Lincoln Center development and fundraising; state of the arts in 1969 -Concert announcements and reviews, spring 1968-69 season -Deaths of Schuster, Joseph, Lehman; Totten, John J.; Katchen, Julius; Endich, Saramae; Malkin, Joseph; Bernhard, Dorothy; Ansermet, Ernest; Twichell Ives, Mrs. Harmony; and Krips, Mrs. Maria -Speculation on Bernstein successor -Boulez, Pierre named Music Director -Recording releases and reviews
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
1968-69 Scrapbook, Volume II (Part 2 of 2), 1 Dec 1968 - 1 Sep 1969, Folder 555-116-02, Communications/Public Relations Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.