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    Executive > Zirato, Bruno

Blair, Floyd G., Jan 14, 1952 - Dec 29, 1954

ALS-John Corigliano, Sr.; LS-Eugene List; Correspondence re: Greek Royalty, salary increases, contemporary music, ticket and subscription sales, pension; General fan mail and letters of complaint; Concerns of pirated recordings and moves toward preventative legislation (Bennett Bill); "Variations on an Enigma" article by Irving Kolodin about Leopold Stokowski; List of ticket price adjustments from 1937 to 1953; Concerts for high school students; Article about Vladimir Horowitz; 1954 Spring tour itinerary and budget; Rules for using the Philharmonic Symphony-Society name; Resignation of Boris Sokoloff
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Blair, Floyd G., 14 Jan 1952 - 29 Dec 1954, Folder 005-01-25, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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