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  • Mahler, Gustav

Mahler, Gustav / SYMPHONY NO. 8 IN E FLAT MAJOR (SYMPHONY OF A THOUSAND) - Supplementary Materials

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  • Universal Edition
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  • Digital Only
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Collection Guarantor
Score(s) Associated With This Part
  • Score dimensions: 11" x 15.25". Cover is detached from rest of score.

    Supplementary materials include lyrics and translations. Score may have been used for performance of this work on August 28, 1960 at the Salzburg Festival, when Mitropoulos conducted the Vienna Philharmonic with soloists Mimi Coertse, soprano; Hilde Zadek, soprano; Lucretia West, soprano; Ira Malaniuk, alto; Giuseppe Zampiri, tenor; Hermann Prey, baritone; Otto Edelmann, bass; the Vienna State Opera Concert Choir, and the Vienna Boy's Choir.

    Dimitri Mitropoulos' score collection is part of James Dixon Papers at the
    Rita Benton Music Library, University of Iowa. These scores were digitized through a [grant] from [foundation].