Found In:
Moseley: Chronological File, Sep 4, 1963 - Oct 10, 1963
- ID:
- 007-03-13
Record Group
- Executive
- 0.6
Folder Title
- Moseley: Chronological File
- Sep 4, 1963 - Oct 10, 1963
- 1963 Tour of the U.S.
- AFM: American Federation of Musicians
- Acoustics
- Columbia Records, Inc. Show All
- 1963 Tour of the U.S.
- AFM: American Federation of Musicians
- Acoustics
- Columbia Records, Inc.
- G.H. Johnston, Inc.
- Ginastera: Violin Concerto
- Local #802
- Mahler: Symphony No. 2
- Mennin: Symphony No. 7
- New York Philharmonic Radio Network
- Philharmonic Hall
- Price Waterhouse & Co.
- Program Planning, 1963-1964
- Program Planning, 1964-1965
- Promenades
- Rehearsals, 1963-1964
- Rehearsals, 1964-1965
- Texaco-Metropolitan Opera Radio Network
- Ticket Sales
- United Nations
- YPC: Young People's Concerts Show Top 4
LS - Carlos Moseley; LS - Alice de Berry; Correspondence regarding: Season Ticket distribution; Letter to Alfred J. Manuti regarding projected radio broadcasts; Unauthorized persons in music library; Letters of thanks to donors; Ticket requests; Several letters to various patrons requesting that they contact their local radio stations to pick up the Philharmonic Radio Network; Request for release of Howard Keresey from Jury Duty; Resignation of Helen Black from Denver Symphony Society; Procedures for ticket sales; Letters to various radio station managers who requested to join the network; Tenth Anniversary of the Lane Series of the University of Vermont; Issuance of credit cards to executives; Parking space rental for Philharmonic members; Printing of programs; Request for change of date of Jury Duty for Arthur R. Johnson; Complaints; United Nations Week.
Project Funder
- Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Moseley: Chronological File, 4 Sep 1963 - 10 Oct 1963, Folder 007-03-13, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.