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    Executive > Moseley, Carlos

Moseley: Chronological File, Feb 18, 1964 - Mar 31, 1964

LS - Carlos Moseley; LS - Alice de Berry; LS - The Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York, Inc.; LS - Pedro Calderon; LS - William L. Weissel; Correspondence regarding: Vacancy inquiries; Ticket requests; Audition requests; Complaints; Rebuttal to critique in New York Herald Tribune by Alan Rich; Out of town appearances; Re-engagement of Bernard Robbins; Establishment of Jacques Fray Memorial Collection in the Museum of the Performing Arts at the New York Public Library; Advance to Pedro Calderon; Resignation of Stanley Hoffman; Letter to Robert L. Hoguet, Jr. explaining Mr. Moseley's feelings about jazz music; Report by William L. Weissel regarding Charles Burns, Intern; Appointment of Nathan Goldstein and Allan Schiler as Second Violinist; Letter of congratulations to Leonard Burkat for his appointment to Vice-President of Columbia Records; Letter of congratulations to David Adams on his appointment to President of Boosey & Hawkes.
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Moseley: Chronological File, 18 Feb 1964 - 31 Mar 1964, Folder 007-03-17, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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