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    Board of Directors > Minutes

Board of Directors Minutes, Feb 5, 1953 - Feb 5, 1953

Report on medical status of Dimitri Mitropoulos; resignation from the Board of Winthrop Aldrich; consideration of candidates for Board membership; resolution adopted to remove Directors who shall be absent from three successive meetings withour a satisfactory excuse or a waiver from the Board; report on meeting of Orchestra Presidents; proposal by Mrs. Hull of reorganization of Young People's Concert Committee tabled; gift of \$25,000 from David M. Keiser; discussion of best way to include modern music in the repertoire in response to suggestions by the Music Director of specific dedicated concerts. In response, the Board recommends that modern music be scattered through the season together with the classics; report on the idea of a New York City Music Center; anonymous gift from a foundation of \$25,000; efforts to televise upcoming Pension Fund concert; report on contract negotiations with Local 802 of the Musicians' Union; approval of guest conductors to fill in for Mitropoulos: Szell, Golschmann, Kurtz and Stravinsky; reports on ticket sales, radio membership and fund raisting.
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Board of Directors Minutes, 5 Feb 1953 - 5 Feb 1953, Folder 606-02-51, Board of Directors Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.