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    Executive > Moseley, Carlos

Moseley: Chronological File, Jan 24, 1961 - Jul 12, 1961

LS - Carlos Moseley; LS - George Judd, Jr.; LS - David M. Keiser; LS - Jean G. Losee; Correspondence to Leonard Bernstein, guest conductors, guest artists, orchestra managers, and international ambassadors regarding concert programming as well as touring/rehearsal schedules; Personal letters in response to donations including one of three dollars; East-West Music Encounter; Correspondence regarding complementary ticket requests, auditions with Bernstein, newspaper reviews; Letter to Dimitri Shostakovich regarding commissioned work; Primrose cancellation, Correspondence regarding the death of George Judd; Markevitch illness.
Project Funder
  • Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
Moseley: Chronological File, 24 Jan 1961 - 12 Jul 1961, Folder 007-03-01, Executive Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.

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