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Communications/Public Relations > Press Clippings
1953-54 Scrapbook (Part 3 of 3), Feb 1, 1950 - May 31, 1954
- ID:
- 555-064-03
Record Group
- Communications/Public Relations
- Press Clippings
Contents List
- p. 1 - Young People's Concerts
- p. 8 - Friends
- p. 13 - Obituaries Show All
- p. 1 - Young People's Concerts
- p. 8 - Friends
- p. 13 - Obituaries
- p. 20 - Season Highlights from 1952-1954
- p. 31 - Dimitri Mitropoulos
- p. 45 - Season Highlights and Announcemens Show First 3
Folder Title
- 1953-54 Scrapbook (Part 3 of 3)
- Feb 1, 1950 - May 31, 1954
- 1954 Southern U.S. Tour
- 58th birthday surprise for Dimitri Mitropoulos
- Beethoven: Missa Solemnis
- Bezanson: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra Show All
- 1954 Southern U.S. Tour
- 58th birthday surprise for Dimitri Mitropoulos
- Beethoven: Missa Solemnis
- Bezanson: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra
- CBS: Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.
- Child Prodigies
- Death
- Death of Maurice van Praag
- Death of Death of Charles S. Guggenheimer
- Death of Director Henry E. Coe
- Death of Director Parker McCollester
- Death of Ernest Wagner, flute and piccolo player
- Death of Ernest Zickler, contrabass player
- Death of Mrs. Josef Stransky
- Death of clarinetist Simeon Bellison
- Death of conductor Issay Dobrowen
- Death of conductor Vladimir Bakaleinikoff
- Death of cotralto Kathleen Ferrier
- Death of critic Herbert F. Peyser
- Death of pianist William Kapell
- Death of violist Joseph Fick
- Death of violist Zoltan Kurthy
- Dimitri Mitropoulos' 58th Birthday
- Friends of the Philharmonic
- Gluck: Paris and Hellen
- Mahler: Symphony No. 1 in D major, Titan
- Mitropoulos to conduct at Metropolitan Opera
- Philharmonic Women's Club
- Pop Concerts
- Press Clippings, 1953-54
- Renewal of contract of Dimitri Mitropoulos
- Retrospect of 1953-54 season
- Schoenberg: Pelleas and Melisande, Op. 5
- See It Now" with the New York Philharmonic
- Steinway & Sons
- Steinway Centennial
- Strauss: Symphonia Domestica, Op. 53
- Young Peoles' Concerts 30th Anniversary
- Young People's Concerts Show Top 4
- Bakaleinikoff, Vladimir
- Bellison, Simeon
- Cantelli, Guido
- Coe, Henry E.
- Dobrowen, Issay
- Downes, Olin
- Dubow, Marilyn
- Fassett, James
- Fick, Joseph
- Gluck, Christoph Willibald
- Gould, Morton
- Guggenheimer, Charles S.
- Kapell, William
- Kostelanetz, Andre
- Kurthy, Zoltan
- Marlowe, Ronald and Jeffrey
- McCollester, Parker
- Mitchell, Elizabeth
- Mitropoulos, Dimitri
- Murrow, Edward R.
- Pelletier, Wilfrid
- Peyser, Herbert F.
- Peyser, Herbert F.
- Rubenstein, Harvey
- Serkin, Rudolf
- Steinway, Theodore E.
- Van Praag, Maurice
- Wagner, Ernest
- Zickler, Ernest Show Top 4
- Miscellaneous articles about the 1953-54 season
- Articles on child prodigies
- Young People's Concerts celebrate 30th anniversary
- Gifts get Philharmonic back into black ink
- Friends of the Philharmonic attend rehearsal with Mitropoulos and Rudolf Serkin
- Death of long-time Personnel Manager Maurice van Praag, August 9, 1953
- Death of Herbert F. Peyser, Program Annotator for the Philharmonic
- Death of contralto Kathleen Ferrier, contralto, favored soloist of Bruno Walter
- Death of Vladimir Bakaleinikoff, conductor in Russia, of the Pittsburgh Orchestra and other American orchestras, and as guest conductor of the Philharmoic
- Death in a plane crash of famed 31-year old pianist William Kapell on return from an Australian concert tour
- Death of Charles S. Guggenheimer, atorney and director of many corporations, and husband of Minnie guggenheimer, chairperson of the Lewisohn Stadium concert
- Death of Issay Dobrowen, Russian conductor/composer, who conducted the San Francisco Symphony, the New York Philharmonic and other orchestras, and of a widely-praised recording of Moussorgsky's Boris Godunov
- Death of Mrs. Charles E. Mitchell, musician and music patron, and board member of the Philharmonic
- Death of Simeon Bellison, clarinetist with the New York Philharmonic for twenty-seven years
- Death of violist Joseph Fick
- Death of Parker McCollester, Director of the Philharmonic-Symphony Society
- Death of Henry E. Coe, Director of the Philharmonic-Symphony Society
- Death of Mrs. Josef Stransky, widow of the former conductor of the Philharmonic
- Death of Ernest Zickler, former contrbassist with the Philharmonic
- Death of Ernest Wagner, former flute and piccolo player with the Philharmonic
- Death if violist Zoltan Kurthy
- Renewal of contract of Music Director Dimitri Mitropoulos
- Miscellaneoue concert reviews
- 35 Pianist play at Steinway Centenary Concert
- Celebraton of 58th Birthday of Dimitri Mitropoulos
- Mitropoulos to conduct at Metropolitan Opera during intervals in his 1954-55 Phlhrmonic schedule
- Joseph Szigeti celebrates 25th Anniversary with Philharmonic. December 1953
- Philharmonic Retrospect 1953-54 Season, by Olin Downes in the New York Times
- Blurb advertising success of first ande Kostelanetz Philharmonic 'Pops' Concert
- Mitropoulos conducts Schoenberg's overlong romantic symphonic poem Pelleas and Melisande for only the second time with the Philharmonic
- High acclaim for Bruno Walter's Performances of Haydn's Symphony No. 88 and especially Mahler's Symphoy No. 1
- Thirtieth Anniversary of Young Peoples' Concerts
- Surprise birthay tribute from the orchestra to Mitrooulos on his 58th birthday including a Morton Gould's arrangement of "Happy Birthday"
- Mitropoulos schedule arranged to allow him to conduct at the Metroolitan Opera beteen early December 1954 and January 1955
- Mitropouos reengagd for 1954-55 with the same guest condutors as in 1953-54, namely Bruno Walter, Guido Cantelli and George Szell for 28 week season of concerts
- Mixed reviews for Mitropoulos' performance of Beethoven's Missa Solemnis
- Richard Strauss program conducted by Dimitri Mitropoulos a rousing success including the Symphonia Domestica and excerpts from three late operas
- Retrospect of the 1953-54 season by Olin Downes in the New York Times
- New York Philharmonic on "See It Now" with Edward R Murrow, January 1954
- New York Philharmonic, 1954 Southern U.S. Tour
- Steinway celebrates centennial
- Joseph Szigeti celebrates 25th Anniversary with Philharmonic
Project Funder
- Leon Levy Foundation
Preferred Citation
1953-54 Scrapbook (Part 3 of 3), 1 Feb 1950 - 31 May 1954, Folder 555-064-03, Communications/Public Relations Records, New York Philharmonic Shelby White & Leon Levy Digital Archives.